Pick a Mass!
The Cascadian Chorale is taking the unusual step of letting the live audience members choose our repertoire. We will present movements from ten different Mass settings -- works spanning five centuries. Then you, the audience, will vote on which complete Masses we will perform the next season. Who will win? The Renaissance polyphony of Taverner, Palestrina or Victoria? The Romantic harmonies of Rheinberger? The varied twentieth-century voices of Vaughan Williams, Howells, or Frank Martin? Or perhaps newer works by Americans William Albright or Max Marcus? Come to the concert and decide for yourself!

Kyrie - from Frank Martin: Mass for double choir
Gloria - from John Taverner: Western Wind Mass
Credo - from Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina: Missa 'L'homme armé' [a4]
Sanctus - from Max Marcus: Missa brevis (world premiere)
Agnus Dei - from Orlando Lassus: Missa 'Bell' Amfitrit' altera'
Kyrie - from Tomás Luis de Victoria: Missa 'Ascendens Christus in altum'
Gloria - from Herbert Howells: Mass in the Dorian Mode
Credo - from Ralph Vaughan Williams: Mass in G minor
Sanctus - from William Albright: Chichester Mass
Agnus Dei - from Josef Rheinberger: Cantus Missae
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