The Cascadian Chorale holds auditions year-round. If you are interesting in auditioning, please read this page and submit the form below. Questions can be addressed to auditions@cascadianchorale.org.
We are currently auditioning tenors and basses. Singers interested in ANY section are encouraged to submit an audition request below. We'll notify you when auditions are available.
The Cascadian Chorale affords challenges even to the experienced singer. Although our members' level of expertise is generally high, we still present an opportunity to less experienced singers who are willing to work independently. It is a goal of the Chorale to welcome singers who are dedicated to the joy of making music and to help them to develop artistically. The new singer will find the Chorale to be a warm and supportive community. Our membership spans a wide age range, from recent graduates to retirees. We have frequent post-rehearsal social gatherings as well as post-concert parties. Rehearsals are on Monday evenings in Factoria (South Bellevue).
Auditions take approximately twenty minutes per person. As a candidate, you should be prepared to:
Demonstrate your vocal range;
Demonstrate your aural memory and basic sight-singing skills;
Prepare Ravenscroft's There were three ravens (see pdf). At the audition, the piano will supply basic harmonic support. The conductor will listen for relaxed vocal color, clarity of text, and accuracy of pitches and rhythms.
Prepare mm.49-63 of the "Kyrie" from Mozart's Requiem (see pdf). At the audition, you will sing unaccompanied. The conductor will listen for smoothness of vocal agility, accuracy of pitches and rhythms on melismas and chromatic leaps, and accurate counting during rests.
Please contact us by submitting the form below. You may also reach us at auditions@cascadianchorale.org.